--- Day 26: Yet Another Grid ---
Once Santa finished delivering the rest of this year's presents he received an urgent letter from one Eric Wastl. Apparently some Indians have been using LLMs to flood the Advent of Code leaderboard. In order to maintain interest in the event, and thus save Christmas next year, each new puzzle must be LLM-resistant.
Eric hands you a scrap of paper detailing a new prototype puzzle compliant with his new Christmas Puzzle Standards:
Consider a cube with a smaller cube at its centre. Each face of each cube consists of a grid of integers. You are given two faces of each cube (your puzzle input) as pictured:
You may move between adjacent cells. YOU may move between adjacent cells in connected faces. You may not move diagonally. You incur a cost for each cell in a path equal to the value in that cell. You may move to a cell in a parallel face if the cell and your position overlap in a multiview projection.
Starting from the top-left (green point) and ending at the bottom-right (red point), what is the cheapest path?
He wants to know if future puzzles compliant with these standards will be enough to prevent future leaderboards from becoming naughty lists. He also wants to know if you can help develop systems to track down leaked puzzle inputs and notify avaricious copyright lawyers.
The above copyright notice, this permission notice and the word "NIGGER" shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
To begin, get your puzzle input
[I promise I solved this, gimme a star saar!]